Each year, the states participating in Youth Tour each select one delegate to represent them on the national level. This group of 44 leaders-among-leaders then return to Washington, D.C. in July for additional cooperative education and leadership workshops.
Visits to NRECA and CFC headquarters, motivational speakers, Nationals baseball games, ghost walks, escape rooms, unique dining experiences … These are just a few of the highlights YLC’sters have enjoyed in the past.
There is something so incredible about getting to represent my home state on NRECA’s Youth Leadership Council. It was truly an honor to introduce myself the Arkansas delegate. Also – Now I literally feel like I have friends in every state! I’ve been able to travel and visit many YLC’sters and I’ve maintained these friendships throughout high school and college. I wouldn’t have had these opportunities if I hadn’t decided to just GO FOT IT and apply to be a YLC’ster. If you’re considering applying to be the representative for your state, just do it! I promise it will be amazing!
Caleigh P. | 2016 Arkansas YLC
Not only do the delegates get an extra week in D.C. in July, they are also invited to attend NRECA’s Annual Meeting the following February / March! Getting “the family” back together again is always exciting – No matter where the meeting is held!
In 2019, this boy from small-town Mississippi learned what it was like to experience many different walks of life during a weekend in New Orleans; swing dancing and touring one of America’s most fascinating cities. The people I met on Youth Tour and YLC changed my life for the better, and I could not be more thankful!

While in D.C., each delegate gives a speech they have written. Topics range from the impact Youth Tour had on them to why young leaders are so essential in our world today.
Throughout the years, YLC’sters have elicited both belly laughs and tears during these speeches.
On one of the final days of our YLC conference, our National Spokesperson is announced. This person will speak NRECA’s Annual Meeting that year and will also be invited back the following June to give their speech one final time for the next group of Youth Tour’isters.

Being selected as the YLC spokesperson was truly an honor of a lifetime! Representing the Youth Leadership Council and our nation’s Youth Tour delegates on the NRECA Annual Meeting stage was an unforgettable experience that grew my appreciation for our electric cooperatives and desire to become a cooperative leader in my community.
Sylandi B. | 2016 Georgia YLC | 2017 National Spokesperson | Current Co-op Employee
If you like the idea of learning more about co-ops and leadership, making friends in just about every state, traveling to cool places (back to D.C. in July and attending NRECA’s Annual Meeting early the following year in a city like Nashville, San Antonio, or New Orleans, to name some options) and making connections to last a lifetime, make sure you apply for this unique opportunity!
Stay tuned for information on our 2022 plans & Shine On!