My favorite youth tour memory is when my then-boyfriend showed up in the middle of youth tour to propose. He selected that week because he knows how much the Youth Tour program means to me.Shana R. | Youth Tour Director | Kansas | 2001 to present
Coming from a small community I didn’t know the impact that a young kid could make! Youth Tour helped me to see the importance of leadership and hard work. It also gave me the courage and confidence to follow my educational, career, and life goals.
Mylea M. | 2016 Arizona Youth Tour & YLC Delegate
In 2016, my life was changed forever thanks to Cooperatives. I have been given endless opportunities, made friends from all across the country (some best!), traveled far and wide, and most importantly grown as a person because of the NRECA and its Youth Tour. I am so honored to have been a part of a program that gives so much to the community to help the future. My time with the NRECA and Youth Tour have been the best years of my life and I hope to stay involved in this organization for as long as I can!
Sophia M. 2016 Illinois Youth Tour & YLC Delegate | Repeat Staff Assistant
I was selected as the Youth Leadership Council representative for the state of Louisiana. Later, I was also hired as a Staff Assistant a.k.a Blue Shirt, which was one of the greatest jobs I’ll ever have. After graduating from LSU, and on the job search, I came back to the cooperative world to work for the Association of Louisiana Electric Cooperatives. The electric cooperative youth programs have opened so many doors in my life and I’m forever grateful!
Daniel B. | 2016 Louisiana Youth Tour & YLC Delegate | Repeat Staff Assistant | Current Co-op Employee